Šta je potrebno zemljama Zapadnog Balkana da bi prevazišle razliku u dostupnosti ljekova u poređenju sa zemljama EU - dr Luka Vončina


Luka Vončina


Čini se da zemlje EU imaju mnogo pragmatičnija rješenja da omoguće svojim pacijentima liječenje inovativnim terapijama kada uporedimo sa zemljama Zapadnog Balkana. Šta je potrebno i kada zemlje Zapadnog Balkana mogu sustići tu razliku dr Vončina je objasnio u prezentaciji


Luka Vončina graduated as a Medical Doctor from the Zagreb School of Medicine, Croatia in 2002. In 2005, he graduated as MSc in International Health Policy from the London School of Economics, UK as a Chevening scholar. In 2013, he obtained his PhD in Biomedicine at the University of Split, Croatia. 

From 2009 to 2011 he was Head of pricing and reimbursement of medicines and medical products for the Croatian National Health Insurance Fund. From 2012 to 2014 he worked for the Croatian Government as Assistant Minister of Health in charge of health services, reforms, inspectorates and EU funds. In that period, he served on the management boards of the European Medicines Agency, several large Croatian hospitals and the Standing Committee of the Regional Committee of WHO EURO. From 2014, he has been working as a consultant for governments, international organizations (in major part the World Bank Group) and industry in Europe, Asia and South America. His work is focused on pricing and reimbursement of medicines and medical products, health financing and public private partnerships in health. He has published extensively in international peer reviewed journals.